Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Semi - analytical solution for the perturbed N - body problem under mutual gravitational force with numerical applications
الحل النصف تحليلى لمسألة N من الأجسام المضطربة تحت تأثير قوة الجذب المتبادل مع تطبيقات عددية
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The present work deal with studying the semi-analytical solution for the perturbed N-body problem under the three forces: 1- The Earth's gravitational force, 2- The resistance of the atmosphere (drag force), 3- The solar radiation pressure. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction in which pervious works in the subject are reviewed and the present work is introduced. In chapter II, we introduce the formulation of the semi-analytical solution for the N-body Problem. The third chapter shows in details the Eulerian parameters and Eulerian angles for the rigid body; and introduces the perturbing forces acting on the motion of N-body, especially on an artificial satellites. We derive the equations of motion in terms of Eulerian parameters with new independent variables taking into account the three major perturbing forces. In chapter IV, we get the applications using the Eulerian parameters with two numerical examples. Finally, in chapter V, we have the semi-analytical solution for N-body in terms of Euler parameters with applications and two numerical results. 
Supervisor : Prof. Dr.Samy M. Elshaboury - Professor of Applied Mathematics Mathematics Department Faculty of Science Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt , Prof. Dr. Mervat E. Awad, Professor of Space Dynamics, Astronomy and meteorology Department, Faculty of Science 
Thesis Type : Doctorate Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1431 AH
2010 AD
Number Of Pages : 216 
Added Date : Friday, December 24, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
الباز أبو المجد ابو المجدAbouelmagd, Elbaz Abouelmagd


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